Friday, March 1, 2019

When Was the LAST Time...

...YOU did something for the FIRST time?
                                                                     -John C. Maxwell

Near the end of last season in Bonaire, we became acquainted with an extremely pleasant couple who cruise on their motor yacht ALIZANN.  Suzanne and Marty hosted a traditional Thanksgiving dinner potluck for three American vessels just days before we each went our separate ways.  In readying for the dinner, I noted the thought provoking quote above at the close of Suzanne’s email and it got me thinking.   How often do I –now in my mid sixties- accept the challenge of doing something for the first time?

There have been many opportunities for us to try out new things over recent months.  We sailed up to St. Croix in early December and got quite comfortable in routines with our son Bob’s family who live there.  Lyla had joined the St. Croix Pony Club, so I was happy to spend time with her during lessons and feedings.  But one day Bob coaxed me into doing a trail ride with them through a nearby section of the rainforest that is called the “Monkey Maze”.  I’m not fond of riding unfamiliar horses, but Dusty was gentle with me and wisely refused to pick up a trot or canter when nudged.  I was glad for the opportunity and hope to ride again when we return.

Gardening is one of my all time favorite activities and luckily Bob introduced me to a farmer friend named Luca who was eager for volunteers.  I weeded various veggie beds for the first few weeks and loved it, as we were richly rewarded with luscious veggies and fruits daily.  However, Luca was soon in greater need of helping hands to prepare the harvest for his farm stand.  So he trained me to clean and bag scads and scads of beautiful mixed greens.  I was a little nervous taking part in that responsibility because Luca had an impeccable reputation for high quality harvest, but I was open to learn whatever was necessary and he graciously assured me that he was pleased with my work.  You can imagine how elated I was on my last day of volunteering for the season when Luca said that he wanted me to WEED!  (The pressure was finally off.)

                 Bob said he wanted a pic of  me in "my happy place".

A few islands we’ve cruised had bioluminescent bays, but we never took the time to check them out.  St. Croix has one and Bob now lives in a neighborhood that has access to it and his family has gone several times.  The thought of finally having this experience was personally exhilarating, but I was not quite aware of what exactly would be involved in the adventure.  To see the best display of bioluminescence, you have to go well after sunset when it is dark.  So at around 9 o’clock one night, Bob took Aslan, Lyla and me along with three adult friends to an unkempt lot along the bay.  We carried flashlights and Bob lead us through the tall grasses and gingerly around a few thorny cassia bushes to the water’s edge.  It was then that I quietly started to freak out, realizing that we’d be going INTO the water and I wouldn’t be able to SEE the large, creepy things that may be swimming beneath me.  I watched as Bob hung a glowstick on a bush to mark our entry/exit point.  Then he waded in with Lyla and Aslan at his heels.  Oh my gosh, I thought, if THEY went in I HAVE to go in, too. And I did! Playing with the bioluminescence was a delight until someone’s leg briefly touched mine.  When that happened we were quick to reassure each other.  (I believe I will only go into a bioluminescent bay again IF my other two grandchildren want to go someday.)

Photo courtesy of Bing 

Then there was the Cupcake War.  Our four grandchildren are often responsible for challenging us to do new things.  They have prompted us to learn new games like Chess and Skip-Bo or to solve Sudukos.  They have urged us to try rock climbing and gymnastic tricks, learn Spanish online, and climb trees again.  And this year, Lyla challenged me to engage in a Cupcake War with her before we even arrived in St. Croix.  I had no clue as to what it would entail until she showed me a few episodes of the program.  As the date of the baking scrimmage neared, I realized how unprepared I was.  Yes, I’ve been baking for around fifty years, but Lyla set it up as a serious baking-from-scratch competition that would have JUDGES! Of course, they were all close relatives (Dan, Bob, Aslan), but during the three phases of the contest, it was crystal clear that they intended to do their jobs in earnest.  Lyla won our first Cupcake War and intends hold to  another when her cousins Maya and Genna can participate.  (I’m fairly certain that my defeat was sealed when I unknowingly overfilled ice cream cones with batter causing the excess to drip out of the cones and off the pan onto the bottom of the oven, that finally began to burn and smoke up the kitchen.)

So, now I challenge you to at least think about it-

                           When was the last time YOU did something for the FIRST TIME?

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