Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Favorite Part

My brother Joe and his wife Julie flew to St. Croix last week to sail with us. Their daughter Lexi and her boyfriend Tyler accompanied them.  We had some rolly nights on board Exit Strategy, but we also had very good times trying some new anchorages and seeing the sights of the island and its nearby cays.

My favorite part was not the lively discussions in the cockpit after drinking free flowing rum concoctions by Captain Dan.

It was not the morning our son Bob took us to work as volunteer gardeners at Reef to Ridge Farm and we came home with fresh veggies.

My favorite part was not the afternoon that Joe bought 5 live lobsters (about 8 pounds total) for us to have for dinner.

It was also not the late afternoon that Dan wielded his machete to open a green coconut for us...

It was definitely not the afternoon we spent on the beach at Protestant Cay- although Lexi proved to be an expert conch, welk, and flounder hunter (when she wasn't screaming).

It was not the day we took a taxi-bus to the St. George Botanical Gardens and then got a ride to the Cruzan Rum Distillery from a snowbird from Kalamazoo.

My favorite part was not the time we wandered around Frederiksted shopping.

It was not the hike to the top of Buck Island or the snorkel trip at the east end.
Tyler & I watching dolphins. 

My very favorite part was when we anchored on the west end of Buck Island and were entertained by a pod of mating dolphins that circled our boat for over an hour!

1 comment:

bob said...

Still jealous about this one. How cool!