Sunday, March 13, 2016


The 25+ knot winds brought a big surf.
Throngs of boaters registered their intent to leave Georgetown this morning on the daily net and afterward many sails breezed out of the bay.  What drives this exodus?  A long awaited change in the weather!  We've learned that many boats from the USA and Canada are only here from January-early March, so it was time for them to head back. To avoid the crowd,  we'll most likely head out tomorrow and slowly hop northward to explore more of the Exumas, as we plan to be here for a few more months.

Two weeks ago, a pleasant sailing wind blew us into Elizabeth Harbor and we dropped the hook off of Elizabeth Island in the first uncrowded anchorage.  Then the weather conditions calmed considerably. From there we could comfortably dinghy approximately two miles across the bay to Georgetown to clear in and get supplies.

Unbeknownst to us, the annual Cruisers' Regatta was scheduled during our first week in Georgetown.  From our chosen spot, we were also able to easily venture the mile and a half to Volleyball Beach and Chat 'n Chill Grill on Stocking Island where most of the festivities took place.
Rick and Marty climbing up one of the trails on Stocking Island. 

My brother Marty and his buddy Rick joined us on Exit Strategy for the past week, arriving just as the high winds began. We managed to have a good time despite the fact that the winds and seas prevented us (and most others) from leaving the bay.  However, we took the challenge in hand and were able to touch on five different islands by dinghy or rental car. The following photos offer a weak (not a typo) glimpse of our time with Marty and Rick.

Marty and Dan did deep maintenance on our heaviest fishing reel (and no parts were left over afterward). 

One of the beaches on the Atlantic side of Stocking Island.

We were invited to take a ride on a racing trimaran and sadly it was dismasted
when Captain Tom attempted the first tack!  No one was hurt badly...even though
the boom bounced on my head a couple of times and then pushed Dan's sunglasses
into his nose leaving a small gash.

The toughest part was recovering the sails from the fallen rigging,
but many hands made the job somewhat easier.

This elderly gent really put on a show when the band began jamming at the Music Fest.

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