Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sailing "Firsts"

Mar. 8-17, 2011
       Our niece Katie really knows how to plan a get-away…She and her boyfriend JJ arrived on “Fat Tuesday” which coincided with her 24th birthday this year and then they left on St. Patty’s Day!  
JJ the conch hunter

Katie was really high...about 20 ft. above the deck.

       We love having visitors on board to share some of our favorite Virgin Island anchorages, but for me the high points of a cruise focus on exploring new destinations and the activities they offer.  There were many firsts this trip: Katie and JJ had never sailed for an extended time, been to the Caribbean, nor had they ever snorkeled.  They fared well on all accounts and JJ even became an avid conch hunter and cleaner!  We hoisted our bosum chair for the first time with Katie secured in the sling to do a minor repair. (She didn’t mention her fear of heights.) We sailed to eleven islands around the US and the British Virgin Islands, stopping in two new bays for the night- Markoe Bay of Cooper Island-BVI and Great Cruz Bay of St. John-USVI.  
        Another FIRST worth mentioning (and we still can’t believe it) was that the BVI Customs Officials allowed us to clear in AND out during the same office visit! (I pray that Capt. Dan didn’t misunderstand them…) 

"It only took one painkiller to help me relax today."

Katie kept looking for sharks, but saw none.

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