Sadly, we said “Good-bye” to lovely Saline Bay this morning and may never return again because yesterday evening we were robbed. We had gone ashore after dark around 6:15pm and walked up the steep hill toward the first restaurant we found for dinner. Little did we know that while we were admiring the view of lights in the bay below and savoring a fine meal of fresh red snapper, a stealthy swimmer was making his way out to Exit Strategy.
Back in the salon, Dan picked up his damp shirt from the floor. We couldn’t figure out how the intruder got in because we always close and lock everything before we leave. But the floor was still a little wet and it was then that we realized that the thief must have gotten in by climbing down through the hatch above the settee. Apparently, we had not locked that hatch.
It was puzzling, though, why the thief took care in using Dan’s shirt to mop up the sea water from the floor. And why was everything left relatively neatly in its place? We have heard of other robberies in which everything was ransacked and tossed about. Guess we just got lucky.
We are grateful that our loss was minimal (less than 100 EC), as our two tablets, two laptops, and all electronics were out in full view and untouched. We are also relieved that we were not on the boat at the time because a confrontation would have been traumatic. In retrospect, although we routinely both check if everything is secured before we go ashore, we will certainly double check that everything is LOCKED from now on.

Oh Rose, so sorry to hear this. It is always so invasive to have your space invaded
Glad you are now safe and happy in Bequia. Have you had any feedback from the authorities?
It only takes one to give an island a bad vibe. The SE Caribbean is starting to ha e too many bad vibes. But hey,I could live in Chicago again!
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