Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Waterfalls of Grenada

September 2013 028
Two of the nine Seven Sisters Falls

       Grenada is an island of lush vegetation and many natural rivers, lakes, and streams. Its interior is sprinkled with many of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Caribbean. The adventurous can independently access some of the falls by taking a local bus route to the beginning of a trail that may be worn, yet unmarked.  Recently we took a trip to see a few of Grenada’s falls with a dozen other cruisers with Patrick, aka “SHADEMAN” as our knowledgeable driver and commentator.

      Our first stop was at the Seven Sisters Falls which is located mid-island along a main road that winds up and down extreme curves through part of the rain forest.  Our guide there called himself “Super Butterfly” and we were soon to discover why after he lead us safely through the forest, pointing out flora and fauna along the way. We passed stands of bamboo along the muddy path and Super Butterfly pointed out that it grows six inches/day.  Captain Dan said, “You must have some really good ganja to watch it.”

September 2013 022
Walking sticks were handy
September 2013 040
Our guide, Super Butterfly
 After a half hour or so we caught our first glimpse of two of the nine falls that comprise the Seven Sisters.  Fly told us that the falls are owned by seven sisters and there are actually nine falls.  The sisters currently live in the USA. “No Jumping” signs were posted at the entrance of the trail AND the man who collected our fees also verbalized “No Jumping!”  However- Super Butterfly encouraged us to jump and/or dive shallow in exactly the right DEEP spot.  He was the only one to climb the wall and dive- BACKWARDS, no less- landing feet first.  I was tempted to jump from a boulder into a lower fall’s pool, but chickened out.  Dan and a couple of other men jumped/dove and surfaced unscathed.

Our next stop was brief because many in our group had visited Annandale Waterfall previously. It is another lovely fall hidden from the road and frequented by many because it is doesn’t require a lengthy trek through rugged terrain. Annandale Falls is touristy in that it offers photo opportunities for a fee, such as that of an island lady balancing a huge fruit basket on her head and young men who risk life and limb to dive into the pool at the bottom of the fall.

Red blur near center is diver
Another blurry diver
      SHADEMAN suggested we take a shortcut down through the town of New Hampshire on our way to our last stop at Concord Falls.  The road appeared to be little more than a paved goat path, that twisted and turned often, snaking its way down through the valley.  We arrived in time to enjoy a bountiful lunch of curried chicken complete with dessert.  Then a short stairway down deposited us at the falls.
September 2013 029
Our tour group buddies
September 2013 049
Concord Falls

1 comment:

B.C. Fleecy said...

Is the water freezing? I always find gorgeous waterfall swimming holes are the worse bait & switch...... so pretty.... but unbearably cold.