Tuesday, November 30, 2010

"Do you want to do something?"

      I should know better. 
      As Captain Dan has skillfully been laboring to get all sorts of boat projects done, I often tell him to let me know how I can help.  When he doesn’t give me an assignment right off the bat, I busy myself with a lesser task on board until he calls me.  The past few days, he hasn’t called me, but rather has come to me and said “Do you want to do something?”  Well- that phrase instantly gets my attention because to me, with my cup is always overflowing attitude, it sounds like a playful invitation to take a break and go for a swim, a walk, or whatever.
      But no-o-o.  Lately, the captain’s suggestions have been more along the lines of:
“Use the power buffer for a nicer finish on the portside hull and don’t drop it in the water.”
“Crawl over the aft cabin bunk and under the helm station to sweep up those fiber glass shavings.”
“Get that sticky adhesive off of that stainless rail.”  
      I do know better.  As First & Last Mate, it is my duty to remind the Captain of the importance of an occasional recess. I’ll do just that right after I get that sticky stuff off of that rail.

Solar panels are finally installed & operational!


Leandra said...

SMILES. Remind Danny what retirement MEANS.......you don't have to have the shiniest boat in the harbor!!!

love, us

NextDoorNeighbor said...

Nice Solar Panels!!