Sunday, May 8, 2011

"RUM is the answer..."

“What was the question?”  Island t-shirts emblazoned with this saying are a favorite although neither of us owns one yet.  This blog entry has nothing to do with rum or any sort of liquid libation, but it does focus on us finding solutions for two problems that have perplexed us since Exit Strategy became our home.

Problem #1: Our refrigerator-freezer has ample space, but has never seemed to keep its contents cool enough consistently.  About a week ago, I was laying around for a few days trying to get over a 48 hr. flu that Dan passed on to me after his 48 hr. bout.  In between dozing on the settee in the salon, I began to review the ES Boat Manual and discovered that we had been setting the thermostat for the fridge-freezer incorrectly.  As soon as I felt stronger, I defrosted and cleaned it and reset the thermostat according to the manual.  VOILA, it’s fixed!

Problem #2:  We had family sail with us during the first three months of this year. (That wasn’t the problem.)  During each trip, we experienced varying degrees of trouble with the engine.  Oil was added and filters checked; fuel filters were changed more than once; additives were put in the fuel tank to clean it; a new fuel tank gauge was installed; starter battery was fully charged and tested. Dan even thoroughly studied the engine manual.  Yesterday, we sought the help of St. Maarten’s Horizon Yacht Charter staff.  Ian asked a lot of detailed questions and then said, “Get a new starter battery.”  We did and ALLELUIA, it’s fixed!

1 comment:

B.C. Fleecy said...

Good Job Skipper.... and Gilligan