Friday, December 24, 2010


    When we were boat shopping, one requirement was that the galley would have a counter top suitable for rolling out pierogis, a main staple of our traditional Polish Wigilia (Christmas Eve) dinner.  Our first Wigilia on board Exit Strategy was kept as traditional as possible.  I reviewed my brother Marty's recipes for Mushroom Soup and Fried Fish from our Glista Family's  Cooking From the Heart cookbook to begin preparations. Then we invited our friend Milton to celebrate with us, as his wife Debra had returned to their home in Guyana for the holidays.  Captain Dan's favorite fried well-peppered cabbage pierogis were some of the best I've ever made and Milton enjoyed our traditional meal as much as we enjoyed his company.
The secret to making pierogis is the Polish sweat.


Bob said...

You call that a suitable pierogi counter? I feel guilty now that I didn't prep my own this year when when I had a couple yards of counter space to work with. I guess having 2 small kids with us and only 30 minutes to prep for Wigilia had something to do with it.

Lee said...

HaHa, Bob. Its ROOM enuf for ROSIE!!!!

The Carrolls said...

Maya calls them PEE - O - GEES