Saturday, June 30, 2012

UNION ISLAND, The Grenadines

Clifton's Waterfront
Clifton's Waterfront
The town of Clifton on Union Island was eerily quiet for a Sunday afternoon. We've found that it is not unusual for businesses to be closed on Sunday mornings, but grocers, restaurants, and bars are routinely open by 1 PM. A man relaxing in the cool shade of a wild almond tree heartily welcomed us to the island and informed us that everyone had gone to attend the funeral of a local custom's agent who recently died in the line of duty. The whole island plus ferry boats full of people from other Grenadine Islands came to mourn the loss of one of their own. Just another example of how small and closely knit is the fabric of the Grenadine Islands.

We met Tiger Lilly along the way and started to wander up the deserted streets. A drenching rain began to fall and Captain Dan & I sought shelter in Jennifer's Bar & Restaurant. Lilly & Tom marched on up the hill and smack into the middle of the funeral procession. They slowed their pace and were so taken with the display of sincere communal mourning that they stayed to attend the entire service. The islanders were dressed very formally, yet they warmly encompassed our friends who respectfully joined their funeral procession dressed casually in their usual cruiser attire.*
Nurse Shark in tank at resort
The anchorage in the bay at Clifton was a little unnerving as vessels have to maneuver between two quite visible reefs and drop a hook in exactly the right place, setting it well in order to ensure it stays put.  We did so and the captain snorkeled on the anchor to be sure.  But the first mate didn’t sleep well at all listening to the constant trade winds and the surf rushing over the coral at our bow and stern.  We stayed there only one night.

View from windy mountain top
Chatham Bay is tucked into the western coast of Union Island. We spent a few days there after it was recommended to us by our Polish cruiser friends Chris & Gosia, s/v Aldebaran. It is a quiet anchorage with a few restaurants that only open if reservations are made. One day we set out to hike the path indicated in our guidebook. Eldon, a local fisherman, saw us searching and backtracking, so he introduced himself and led us to the trail. The hike was more of a climb over rocks, around barrel cacti, and through a sheep pasture. The view from the top of the mountain was exhilarating and the wind was strong enough to tip us backward onto our heels.

P6120003 And then we met BUSHMAN. Bushman was the caretaker of a Frenchman's farm that was situated at the top of mountain. He said that although the property was privately owned, we were welcome to walk around or picnic there. The farm was the cleanest farm I've ever visited. Bushman seemed thoroughly enthused to tell us all about the animals and gardens. Certainly, our interaction with the local folks are among the most memorable on our travels and liming for a bit with Bushman.
Pretty clean, huh?


*For Tiger Lilly’s in depth account read

Saturday, June 9, 2012

MAYREAU (MY - row)

We learned how to "dress the boat" for festive events...You fly every flag you have! 
The last time we had a specific date to be somewhere while cruising the Caribbean was when we tried to rendezvous with family in St. Kitt's in early March.  You may remember reading that we were delayed four days due to a ripped headsail.  Well, we'd like to think that we've gained more experience sailing in heavier winds since that time, and so we agreed to meet friends in Mayreau at Black Boy & Debbie's Bar for a pigroast on the beach,  graciously hosted by Willie and Mark of s/v Liahona.

s/v Tiger Lilly was "dressier" due to her circumnavigations.

For more details on the fun see Mark & Willie's blog entry:

We arrived three days early and were faced with an overcrowded anchorage.  So we dropped the hook with our aft fairly close to a reef that lined the southern shore of Salt Whistle Bay.  Mark encouraged us to move forward and squeeze Exit Strategy's 46 feet amongst the crowd, but we stayed put.  Many of the vessels there were charter boats that left before the BBQ, so we happily moved forward to take a mooring for the night. The pigroast was a grand potluck event in cruiser style with everyone bringing a favorite dish to share and their personal plates & utensils.  (In fact, one can readily tell who is not a cruiser when outsiders show up at a fest, such as this pig roast, and politely ask, "Where are the plates?")

Mayreau is rimmed with gorgeous sandy beaches and ever-clear water. It is another small island of the Grenadine chain, so Lilly & I were able to walk every road in about two hours.  Every turn we took onto a worn path was rewarded by superb views of the neighboring Grenadines.

We always try to attend Sunday Mass if we can find one on the island we're visiting.  While in Mayreau, the Captain & I went to Mass at the smallest Catholic Church yet.  On Saturday, a man at the church told us that Sunday Mass began at 8am... We arrived at 7:45am... The priest arrived and told us that mass began at 8:45am... A duet of bells and a howling dog rang at 8:30am...and Mass finally began around 9am.
(Think "island" time.)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


We've begun to feel like these Grenadine Islands are all starting to run together.  It's not just Captain Dan & I that feel this way.  Our friends have been experiencing the same disorientation and contrary to what you may think-  its NOT the RUM. These islands are smaller than many we've explored, so we're covering them at a much quicker pace.  We're relying on our photos help keep us focused.  And now we know why so many cruisers enjoy coming here...
Tiger Lilly wanted us to follow them over to Petit Tabac to anchor behind
 the "World's End Reef"; we declined.

Sea stars near the turtle preserve.

The reef protected anchorage off of Baradel Cay 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Nick (far right) points out CCA projects on Canouan's northeastern shore
 to Dan and Tom (middle- s/v Tiger Lilly).
There is a good reason why you have probably never heard of anyone vacationing on the Grenadine Island of Canouan. It is a relatively small island whose economy largely depends on being service persons or caretakers of the exclusive residences and resorts hidden in the mountains and valleys on its northern end.  The C.C.A. is an Italian company that manages whatever needs doing on Canouan.  Tiger Lilly just happened to meet the director of maintenance when he offered the extremely hot and sweaty Tom & Lilly a ride back toward town after explaining that they wouldn’t be allowed to the past the guarded gates that lay ahead of them. 

Nick and his wife Jasmine (an interior designer) are Brits who moved to the Caribbean years ago and have had similar employment opportunities in St. Lucia and Mustique. 

Being that Nick is a C.C.A. Director, the next day he was able to take us into the gated community and we hiked Mount Royal. Straddling massive boulders 877 ft. above sea level, we scanned the exclusive development as Nick pointed out various construction projects. As a C.C.A. employee, he was strictly bound by a confidentiality clause concerning the identity of residents and could only say that most have made their fortune in financial sectors from all parts of the world. Later that afternoon, we were treated to a glorious BBQ feast at Nick & Jasmine’s house on the beach.  They made our brief stay in Canouan extra special.

Our group resting on top of Mt. Royal; (L to R) Gosia and Chris of s/v Aldebaran,
Rose and Dan, and Tom of s/v Tiger Lilly.